Monday, November 16, 2009

Halloween 2009

What came first the big chicken or the little chicken? or maybe it was a mexican wrestler???

Fall 2009

Hopefully you've received some photos from Olivia and Addie to tide you over. In the last two months Graham has been adapting to our Lifestyle...travelling. He's been to SLC for the World Cup qualifier, NYC for the Chargers Giants game and we are just gearing up for our Holiday travels.

Michael Phelps look out. Graham's favorite activity thus far...swimming! He's a star pupil at the local swim school (although I'm sure they tell every parent that: ) He absolutely loves it and is fearless. He's making tremendous strides towards his pre-birth nickname - Circus. Time will tell...

Did I mention he's a fan favorite at the Charger's games?

Monday, August 31, 2009

4 Months

To those of you that schedule your lives around Graham's updates...I apologize for the tardiness. The sun has been shining, the surf's up and we've been crusin'.

Every month just seems to get better than the last. Graham is now rolling all over the place and constantly looking to explore. He's becoming Phelp's-esque in his grandparents pool (without the bongs) and has finally started to see the benefits of all the torturous "tummy-time". He's also become quite the socialite...gallivanting at 1st birthday parties all around town and checking out the San Diego Super Chargers at their first pre-season game. As you'll see in the photos it's rare that you'll catch him without a smile on his face. We are truly blessed! Last Dr. visit he was just under 16lbs and 26 inches.

Monday, July 13, 2009


Funny Story - We went to our most recent Dr.'s appointment and they showed us the average growth chart and sure enough Graham was right down the middle...WHAT? The Dr. must have seen the expressions on my face as he responded, "I've never before seen a parent dissapointed to find out there baby was normal." : ) He's now about 15lbs and 25"...and we are thrilled that he is normal!

Little G, Baby G, G-Ram, Graham Master Flash, Grahmalamb, GEM, PB - The nicknames are starting to pile up. So are the firsts. First laugh, first swim, first airplane ride, first 4th of July in PB, first girlfriend, first Padre's game! Every day is a new joy with new memories. Here's a few photos to bring you up to date.

Saturday, June 6, 2009


It's hard to believe that just this time last year we were in Park City getting married...and now we have a 2 month old. The joy is non-stop!

As you likely have surmised, the new job is cutting into my blogging time so sorry for the delay. That said, the last couple of weeks have been amazing. Graham started smiling, laughing with his whole body and has just about doubled his birth weight. That just means that we have twice as much of him to love. Enjoy the photos~

Monday, May 11, 2009

Week 5 (Part 2 - extra photos)

Week 5 (Part 1)

It's official - Graham has now met all of his grandparents! We had a great week with Lucas' dad and step-mom Kathleen as well as Lucas' sister Kelli and her boyfriend Robert.

A busy week with a lot of firsts! We were instructed to keep Graham's exposure to crowds to a minimum for the first 6 weeks, but his parents have been getting a little stir crazy! So we decided to take some adventures. We went to Belmont park which is a little amusement park on the ocean (a la the Santa Cruz Board Walk). While the big kids went on the roller-coaster, Graham got his first Merry-Go-Round ride! He nailed it!!

Addie's First MOTHER's DAY - Addie's Aunt Kimberly and Uncle Paul invited us on a yacht trip to watch the Red Bull Air Races (it was nice just being a spectator : ) The event was fun but the opportunity to hang out with family in such a beautiful setting was truly amazing. Thank You K, P, M, J Daubner!

This weeks Photos: The Merry-Go-Round, Graham's best pirate impression, his fist Mohawk and the Murdock's