Monday, August 31, 2009

4 Months

To those of you that schedule your lives around Graham's updates...I apologize for the tardiness. The sun has been shining, the surf's up and we've been crusin'.

Every month just seems to get better than the last. Graham is now rolling all over the place and constantly looking to explore. He's becoming Phelp's-esque in his grandparents pool (without the bongs) and has finally started to see the benefits of all the torturous "tummy-time". He's also become quite the socialite...gallivanting at 1st birthday parties all around town and checking out the San Diego Super Chargers at their first pre-season game. As you'll see in the photos it's rare that you'll catch him without a smile on his face. We are truly blessed! Last Dr. visit he was just under 16lbs and 26 inches.